Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Recently I was glad to be settled and enough for my self financially and starting to clean up mess. With quite raise and lotta side jobs, I thankful because I need to catch my deadline to go Europe this year.

Europe is my goal this year.

But I don't know about my feeling, that in this time too I have lot responsibility that should be done myself. I called it The Adult monthly expenses.

I was thankful, when my car was crap, It was on a pay day. I thank that I had money. But in my heart I was happy that money should be a plus for an addition.

I was glad I got an apartment. But unfortunately I have to pay the monthly services.
Maybe sometimes I'm an unthankful person, But I'm a human. It's natural when the time u grace, you have to let it go.

Learn to thankful it's hard. I learn to thankful of average. Let my little heart was broken, but I never tired to keep up.

Today monologue from Ms. Deejay