Monday, May 10, 2010

Dream, Current Life, Future

I watched 'Revolutionary Road' borrowed from a friend this weekend. And I told you I got some perspective of some movies I watched from last writting.

"It's unrealistic for a man with a fine mind to go on working year after year at a job he can't stand. Coming home to a place he can't stand, to a wife who's equally unable to stand the same things. And you know what the worst part of it is? Our whole existence here is based on this great premise that we're special. They we're superior to the whole thing. But we're not. We're just like everyone else! We bought into the same, ridiculous delusion. That we have to resign from life and settle down the moment we have children. And we've been punishing each other for it."

Most people, they are giving up they dream, married and having children. And after long time, you just say to their kid, "I knew I couldn't get my dream come true, but having you is more beautiful than my dream"..... ahhhhhhhhh it's so sweet.

Are you in denial???

From a man called Rene Suhardono says "Embrace your passion, live with a life action." How to choose a dream on priority???

How could you choose eat of marvelous dining than eat just for living on the same penny?

Give up it's a first form of lil' denial. By saying "It's alright I letting it go ", We release our unability to unreachable and bury the denial. but it's still there.

And if you suddenly just have encourage to dig it up. It's denial again......but that's alright (Like I said before) maybe it's our release the unability to accept the denial to gain unreachable dream. And maybe you make it.

And you like it more. that's why called dream. FUTURE

Today monologue from Ms. Deejay

We need a new type of feeling

I found somethings on movies I watched this couple days. Like this things. Here is some quote:

"Does he make you smile??"
" At least he doesn't make me cry"
- Ocean Eleven

Do people daily live in happy life?? Why is there only two option, happy and sad. It's just ironic that either you not choose one, it means you choose the contrary one.

This case it's like food. In European food, you only could taste sweet, salty, sour and bitter as your tongue taste that. But how you describe savory (rasa gurih) or like the taste of coconut milk in some Asian food, or Monosodium glutamate that invented by Japanese?? They called it the essence of taste. It's kind of 1 variety taste our tongue couldn't describe but taste it beside sweet, sour, salty and bitter.

Could we created some new feeling like that between the scale of happy to sad. Of course some of us calling it normal feeling, but what??? What is normal? is normal you half happy and half sad? or you are not happy and sad at all? or you feel happy and sad in the same time???

Sometimes in the morning I woke up and mirroring, saying "I'm happy". Not I can't do it.... it's like I'm a stepmother of snow white, keep assuredly told that I'm the most beautiful in the world.

so... let's us wake up and mirroring and ask our self, And how I feel today???

Today monologue from Ms. Deejay

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This is why the middle class always got the big punch from economical crisis. Because they earn like low class but their style like high class.

I bought a glasses today... revised, two glasses today. One is normal glasses which look cute but suddenly it looked different. And both of my parents just keep asking " why are you wearing glasses???" Two is the sun glasses which I believe it un-UV protection at all.... Why I bought those things while I got 500,000 for the rest of this month, which contains 2 long weekends and a planning to go to Jogjakarta for Batik hunting, some unpaid debts, 3 best friends birthday, 1 wedding and many unpredictable expenses.

I have plan to move from my job, coz it definitely could not afford my lifestyle. Well there are two ways, change my lifestyle or change my job.
Well I thought my side job could help but IT'S NOT. I have one 5 million unfinished yet projects and 2 million unaccepted design project. I could I depend on them????

While I always watching people carry their giant Birkin Hermes, I'm in 10000 rethink to buy 200,000 shoes which is the same shoes I have that have been getting worse in appearance.

And how I could afford food tasting dream on my next office mall that make you feels you are in top of food chain??? Well I think Monday it's a best start for carry lunchbox.

People face that their should work to get a life. life aren't only food but also clothes, dweller, vacation, lifestyle, car... and getting more. So how to keep the want from need and have??? I stuck with them.
I don't regret bought those glasses, but at some point I knew it unnecessary. but how I could resist the temptation?

I want a Tony Stark... I want get lottery, quiz, or something with prizes??? could I??

Hoh... Heres the song... "I Will Survive" yeah sings Gloria

Today monologue from Ms. Deejay